Trump is as globalist as any other billionaire. He will claim that he was not advised.... great plausible deniability.

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All western politicians olygarches and cultural elite are maniacs perverts psychopats lunatics.

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Very simple - they are sociopaths.

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I believe the US has opened 3 new ones in Africa. One about six miles away from a mysterious outbreak in the democratic Republic of Congo.

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Genocide, perpetrated in its many guises, has been a guiding principle of colonial imperialism

for half a millenium. But the American Empire has added "Science" to the previous artisanal panoply. And to be fair it even tests it on its own population...good science starts at home...witness Fauci...La Science, c'est moi! Euthanasia is now becoming legal, even in your own country. Too many plebs and lumpenproles spoil the sights and enjoyment of the ruling class...Exterminate all the brutes! said famously Kurtz, re-incarnated for a second coming in Palestine. I worry about the surviving Gazaouis children, inoculated against polio, with what???

The Malthusian view reigns supreme in what has become the exterminist stage of capitalism, red in tooth and claw...

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With Trump in power the last time the world got C19. So it reasons that situation may repeat, who knows we may get C27 with it being speculated it escaped from a Russian lab. Russia couldn't be defeated militarily so maybe next time the Russians may get the Chinese treatment.

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I put no faith in Trump. After he leaves it will just start up again.

The only way to get rid of such things us to get rid of the controlling systems in the US. Or bomb it into submission. Either will work.

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Dear Fabourite Tea: this *orñiñg we were co**eñtiñg that cats & dogs habe dissapeared fro* our

beciñity we were ççççççç owñers or the *uñicipality because Sañches put a fiñe of 2.000 E to owñ

the* I still hear dogs bark here we habe a lot of huñters & *ost of the people owñ dogs.

But cats is a bery serious case ño cats Are they thiñkiñg iñ repeatiñg the pest? Buboñic ca*e after

two bad agricultural years & lack of cat because they were associated with the satañ 🤔🙄👀

Your Pataqgoñiañ-Spañish follower

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Good article.

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